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US-Fußball - US-Football (with English version)

US-Fußball: Zwei zusätzliche Auswechslungen bei Verdacht auf Kopfverletzungen

Die Major League Soccer (MLS) und der US-Fußballverband US Soccer wollen in einem Pilotprojekt zum Schutz der Spieler*innen zwei zusätzliche Auswechslungen bei Verdacht auf Kopfverletzungen einführen. Diese sollen unabhängig davon erlaubt sein, wie viele Ein- und Auswechslungen ein Team zuvor durchgeführt hat. US Soccer hatte die Regel zum ersten Mal im Februar beim SheBelieves Cup in Orlando/Florida angewendet.

Die Änderungen, die vom Weltverband FIFA noch abgesegnet werden müssen, sollen auch in der National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) und weiteren unterklassigen US-Ligen zur Saison 2021 in Kraft treten.

"Wir haben in den letzten Jahren hart daran gearbeitet, das Bewusstsein für Kopfverletzungen im Fußball zu schärfen. Diese Änderung sollte einen großen Beitrag zum Schutz von Spielern leisten, die im Verdacht stehen, an einer Gehirnerschütterung zu leiden", sagte George Chiampas, medizinischer Leiter des US-Fußballverbandes. Die Verabschiedung dieser neuen Regel sei ein wichtiger Schritt, "da wir weiterhin führend in Fragen der Sicherheit für die Spieler sind".

Nimmt ein Team eine Auswechslung wegen des Verdachts einer Gehirnerschütterung vor, erhält der Gegner ebenfalls eine zusätzliche Wechselmöglichkeit. Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist, dass zuvor bereits alle fünf möglichen Wechsel ausgeschöpft wurden.

Das medizinische Personal muss dem vierten Schiedsrichter mit einer pinkfarbenen Karte anzeigen, dass er einen Wechsel wegen einer möglichen Kopfverletzung vornimmt.

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English Version

US-Soccer - US-Football

US Soccer: Two additional substitutions for suspected head injuries

Major League Soccer (MLS) and the US Soccer Federation want to introduce two additional substitutions for suspected head injuries in a pilot project to protect players. These will be allowed regardless of how many substitutions a team has previously made. US Soccer applied the rule for the first time in February at the SheBelieves Cup in Orlando, Florida.

The changes, which still need to be rubber-stamped by world governing body FIFA, will also come into effect in the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) and other lower-tier US leagues for the 2021 season.

"We have worked hard over the past few years to raise awareness of head injuries in football. This change should go a long way in protecting players suspected of suffering from concussions," said George Chiampas, medical director of the US Soccer Federation. He said the adoption of this new rule is an important step "as we continue to lead the way on player safety issues."

If a team makes a substitution for a suspected concussion, the opponent will also receive an additional substitution opportunity. The basic requirement for this is that all five possible substitutions have already been exhausted beforehand.

The medical staff must indicate to the fourth referee with a pink card that they are making a substitution because of a possible head injury.

Major League Soccer (MLS) and the US Soccer Federation want to introduce two additional substitutions for suspected head injuries in a pilot project to protect players. These will be allowed regardless of how many substitutions a team has previously made. US Soccer applied the rule for the first time in February at the SheBelieves Cup in Orlando, Florida.

The changes, which still need to be rubber-stamped by world governing body FIFA, will also come into effect in the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) and other lower-tier US leagues for the 2021 season.

"We have worked hard over the past few years to raise awareness of head injuries in football. This change should go a long way in protecting players suspected of suffering from concussions," said George Chiampas, medical director of the US Soccer Federation. He said the adoption of this new rule is an important step "as we continue to lead the way on player safety issues."

If a team makes a substitution for a suspected concussion, the opponent will also receive an additional substitution opportunity. The basic requirement for this is that all five possible substitutions have already been exhausted beforehand.

The medical staff must indicate to the fourth referee with a pink card that they are making a substitution because of a possible head injury.